Thursday, March 18, 2010

Media Literacy, Eight Guildelines for Teachers

I read this article about the importance of media literacy by Jason Ohler and would like to comment on it. The article uses 8 point to stress the importance of how media incorporated instruction provides for a more quality based education in the classroom. I could not agree more. As a personal testament I can say that the success of some of my courses in college would not have been possible had it not been for media support.
Many times I was able to use pictures and programming to express what I could not have otherwise said on paper. As Jason says over a few of his points, it is great to be able to engage my target audience into my essay or presentation be utilizing different types of media aids. In face I can’t think of an example where media would not be a benefit to its presentation. Even the most simplest of subjects that is to be written on paper could use the aid of the World Wide Web to make it more available to its audience.
As much of the article points out, I think that treating media literacy as a conditional additive or elective course is a mistake. Students should be given an education that promotes media expression and provides media rich instruction and order for this to happen I think the teachers in today’s classrooms should make use of the internet, music, video, etc... to enhance learning in the classroom.

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